
CanalQb - Exchange Coinbase - Aprenda e Ganhe - $4 Dolares em GRT

Vídeo no final do post:
Link da Coinbase Exchange: https://www.coinbase.com/join/moraes_pg
Antes de iniciar esta jornada, tenha em mente que a Coinbase Wallet é a carteira que mais tem Airdrop, então crie a sua hoje mesmo: https://go.cb-w.com/referral?referral_id=C11Zie-DgUi-N1uEz9lO2g

What information is indexed by The Graph?
Traditional bank data
Commodity trading
Quadratic functions
-> Blockchain data <-

What do you earn for delegating GRT to an Indexer?
Exclusive data access
-> GRT tokens <-
ETH tokens
Voting rights

Who identifies high quality, useful data on The Graph?
-> Curators <-
What’s the best way to earn GRT rewards?
Hold GRT on an exchange
Hold GRT in a hardware wallet
-> Delegate to a high quality Indexer. <-
Mine GRT

Tem na Binance: 
