Ultimas do CanalQb

CanalQb - OpenWrt - Instalando Python - Venv - ensurepip returned non-zero exit status 1


CanalQb - OpenWrt - Instalando Python - Venv - ensurepip  returned non-zero exit status 1

opkg install python3
opkg install python3-pip
pip3 install numpy
python3 --version
Criar: python -m venv canalqb
Ativar: source canalqb/bin/activate
Desativar: deactivate

Openwrt 19.07 tem python3_3.7.13-1_x86_64.ipk
Chia recomenda Python 3.7 Pip 22.0
# Prerequisite: git
git clone https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain.git -b latest --recurse-submodules
cd chia-blockchain

# This installs compatible Python modules
sh install.sh
. ./activate

# If you want to debug/develop GUI app, try to install from source
# This installs supported version NodeJS/npm and npm dependencies.
sh install-gui.sh

# To open GUI app, run the following command
bash start-gui.sh



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